Well, my day job has temporarily become my night job, since the library is currently open 24 hours during finals week, and I'm working midnight to 8 A.M. If you're trying to stay awake during an all-nighter, I do not recommend doing a google image search on "yawn."
Random musings on trivial goings-on at Mad Chef Craft Brewing (Mondays at 6:30 P.M.) and Bube's Brewery (Tuesdays at 7 P.M.) plus assorted blatherings on life, the universe and occasional baked bean recipes.
Friday, April 29, 2005
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Lititz VFW
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Bubes Brewery
P.S. Vortex chose The West Wing and Dead Bear Baby chose The Chapelle Show (Season 1) as next week's mini-themes.
Monday, April 25, 2005
Watch out, Harry Potter!
The sure-to-be-bestseller "Won't Get Fooled Again" by chanteuse/trivia-player Colette Shaw is finally available. Go to coletteshaw.com and place your order. (Well, what are you waiting for? Get clicking!)
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Lititz VFW
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Team Discovery Channel
TDC's third round comeback and Travis' gaming skills put them in this week's winning circle.
The World's Smartest Man
Adam tells Shannon that the Bears came in second after Jason lost to Travis in the first-place Don't Break the Ice tie-breaker.
Johnny and the Pipettes
Johnny tied with the Fool Velveteen Monkey for third, one of their best showings ever.
Ubersmack managed to nab fourth, and picked German geography and the Joe Schmo Show (Season One) as their mini-themes for next week. Everybody, start your googling!
Not so Crabby
Helen and Traci had a fun time, despite the fact that ticket number 967 was never drawn.
Table 1
A huge gang of Dairy Concept/Fontera people, half of which spoke with a vaguely Australian accent, took over the front room tonight.
Table 3
This was the champion team of the entire Dairy Concepts group. Known as the Sharks, they did extremely well until the killer fourth round.
Monday, April 11, 2005
Curtis at Alois
Your cruise director
Hi, my name is Julie. Welcome aboard the Bubes' Boat. Enjoy your voyage, and may I recommend the pasta?
And I'm Isaac (not)
Kyle, our esteemed bartender, bears a striking resemblance to a certain trivia host, don't you think?
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Wait a minute!
Hey! This is the real Kyle! So how'd that other guy get behind the bar? Someone stop that man!
If I Had A Hundred Dollars
Out of the Vortex was the evening's champions, winning a cool tenth of a grand, and $20 gift certificates for each team member. Congrats to Scott, Bob, Keith, Billy and Michelle!
Three points shy of first place
It was a reunion of sorts for the silver-medal winning Brablock team, with John (that's his forehead in the pic) and Laurel Lee from upstate PA joining Mark and trivia virgin Cindy, Fritz and Lori Jo, and Herr Weave.
Who's behind those Foster Grants?
Jay and John do their worst Jake and Elwood impersonations as Lauren wonders why she chose to spend her birthday with such characters. It was a profitable night, however, for the Lethal Amoebas, as they took third place.
Great Big Bulging Nutsack
The Nutsacks were at full strength and everyone was happy that Andy found enough cash to imbibe.
An Army of Six
Basketball star Bill Walton's lesser known brother Jack is about to prove that he can palm Doug's head.
Curb Your Enthusiasm? I think not!
The Dead Bear Baby in a Jar team is excited by Jason's fashion statement as he daringly transformed his beads into a hat.
Is it dark in here, or is it just me?
My apologies to the Toxic Olives for this crummily (crumbily?)-lit shot.
May I see your reservation?
Brent, Keith and the rest of the procrastinating Shuttle Cocks team were exiled to the bar, but you won't hear them complaining (it's a lot less walking and stumbling to do).
All My Scharnbergers
John loved trivia so much that he paid twice. And, in this candid shot of the Fool Monkey team, we see that he loved Bethena so much that he had her surgically attached to his armpit.
Friday, April 08, 2005
He's almost here!
Twas the day before Curtis
And all throughout Bubes
All the trivia teams
(Both old vets and newbies)
Anxiously awaited
The Alois bash
And the chance to earn
A hundred bucks cash!
Details are available here.
Monday, April 04, 2005
Wash Me!
I have a whole series of photos like this from last year when the street in front of Bube's was torn up and cars got a complimentary paint job with every meal. I invited the teams to display their artistic side. Here we see a masterpiece from the Tesla Death Rays. More to come...