Random musings on trivial goings-on at Mad Chef Craft Brewing (Mondays at 6:30 P.M.) and Bube's Brewery (Tuesdays at 7 P.M.) plus assorted blatherings on life, the universe and occasional baked bean recipes.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
VFW: Be Afraid...

Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Bube's: Full House Holiday

Thursday, December 21, 2006
Next Up: The Grammys!

Online Sales
by Mike Horn
(sung to the tune of "Silver Bells")
City sidewalks, empty sidewalks
Where did all the folks go?
They're at home
Shopping online for Christmas
Mama's typing
Dad is griping
Searching site after site
As on everyone's keyboard you'll hear:
Send e-mails! Online sales!
It's Christmas time on the PC
It's so quick! Hear them click!
Soon we will look on eBay!
Strings of search terms
Filling out forms
Blinking cursors on screen
As they all rush to beat order deadlines
Dot com hunting
Mailman's grunting
This is retail's new scene!
And above all the bustle
You'll hear:
Send e-mails! Online sales!
It's Christmas time on the PC
It's so quick! Hear them click!
Soon we will look on eBay!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
VFW: Moved by the Holiday Spirit

All that shaking failed to shake things up for Major Nix Lix and Son and Love, since they came in seventh, one point behind Dennis and Melanie, who were one point behind Four Minus, Make that Plus Bill. They chose "recent college football" as their theme. ("Recent" meaning after 1980). Steve and Darla and Dave chose "Steve McQueen movies." In third was the always formidable Room Two. Chicks and Dicks placed second, but it was Shitz and Giggles and Friends who took home the gold, along with the coveted snowman deelyboppers, which brought out a new side to Mark (see below).
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Bube's: Too Much Egg Nog?

I also forgot that we had just had "Broadway musicals" as a theme last week when Bube's Wenches picked it for next week. It was their highest placing ever, so in the spirit of Christmas, I'll let them keep it. The Wenches tied with the Tesla Death Rays, who chose "Young Frankenstein" as their theme in honor of the late Peter Boyle. (Trivia about trivia: this is the first time ever that two teams at two different venues have chosen the exact same theme.)
In third place was last week's champs, It Takes a Village Full of Ovaries. The Fool Monkey, fresh off their victory at J's Saturday night show at the Tilted Kilt, took second. Speaking of J, great thanks to him for getting the sound system to finally work right (Someone at Bube's had been rearranging wires, preventing the sound from reaching the front room). By the way, J and Big Bald Sean will be doing a special karaoke show at the Bottling Works on Christmas Eve. And tonight's victory went to Team Discovery Channel, who brought along some extra power in the form of trivia alumnus West Coast Sam. Welcome back, Sam! And thanks go out to Mark, who ably filled in for Mike, whose picture that definitely is.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Chuckles: Having A Holly, Jolly Time

The three top prizes went to the non-smoking room. The Tidy Bowlers doubled their size and placed third, winning approximately 73 cents per teammate. The Price Is Right, with special guest stars Erika and Patrick, led the entire evening, but the Talent Scouts caught up to them in the last round. They decided to retire Scott and sent Jen in instead for the Captain jack tiebreaker. She quickly defeated Patrick her first time out, as the Scouts claimed first.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
VFW: You're a Softee, Mr. Grinch

On the competition front, it was a very tight race to the finish, with only six points separating the top seven teams. D&M and We're Here for the Beer almost made the top five. Bill's Team decided to stay and ended up in fifth. They chose the classic poem, "Twas the Night Before Christmas" as their theme. Next up was a tie between Nix Lix and Chicks and Dicks. Leroy's first turn at the tie-breaker ended quickly, which meant his team got to pick. Keeping in the holiday spirit, they chose "classic holiday movies." Shitz and Giggles and Friends took the silver as Room Two returned to the winners' circle.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Bube's: Ovaries in an Uproar

Sunday, December 10, 2006
Chuckles: Yeah, Baby, Yeah!

Please note: We will not have trivia on Christmas Eve or New Year's Eve, so next week (Dec. 17th) is the final show of 2006!
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
VFW: We Can Dance If We Want To

Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Bube's: Trivia Battle Royale, with Cheese

Sunday, December 03, 2006
Chuckles: Bodies Everywhere

Saturday, December 02, 2006
St. James: A Bunch of PEBDYs

Wednesday, November 29, 2006
VFW: A Photo Album's Worth of Pix
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Bube's: The Triviaceous Period

Sunday, November 26, 2006
Chuckles: Going Commando

Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Bube's: I Yam What I Yam

Sunday, November 19, 2006
Chuckles: The Things That Pass for Knowledge

There's a New Team in Town

These ladies have been practicing all year, but they looked like seasoned pros to me (of course, I know jack about roller derby, so take that comment with a grain of salt). I sat behind White Thrash's family, so we rooted for her team, the Poison Apples. They ended up winning in a final tie-breaking jam, so we were rooting for the right team. I think their next bout won't be until next year, so go their website and sign up for their mailing list. This is not your mother's roller derby! (Unless your mother wears fishnet stockings and goes by the name of Hillbilly Hellcat or Penny Purgatory).