Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Pressure treated what?

The Bubes' show was unusual since, due to a tie the previous week, we had three themes: the Dukes of Hazzard, fish and banned substances. The Toxic Olives had experts on all three subjects and took first place with 71 points. The brother and sister team of James and Becky were joined by Alex and Randy and Mike and took second, their highest showing ever. The Stone Cutters had another great week, placing third. Patty and the Prophets (AKA The Wise Men) stumbled in the last round, but are planning a victory next week, since they chose the most unusual theme ever: pressure-treated lumber. What Happens in Bube's Stays in Bube's took fifth and chose Babylon 5 as their pick.

On the music front, we had to play it old school when my iPod chose the worst time to die. (Replacement batteries are winging their way to me even as we speak) My car also died (temporarily), so special thanks to Mike and Ellen for providing taxi service.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Don't Forget the VFW Time Change This Week

Don't forget that this week, and from here on out at the Lititz VFW on Wednesdays, we start the show at 7 P.M.

(The Bubes show is unaffected and will remain Tuesdays at 8 P.M.)

A Pic That'll Make You Curl

Surprisingly, our players have lives outside of the trivia arena. One of our Bubes players, Charles of the Fool Monkey, was recently featured in the morninig newspaper. To find out what Charles is looking at, look here. In honor of Charles, we'll have one curling question this week.

And here's the accompanying article from the Intelligencer Journal, written by Madelyn Pennino:

Throwing Stones

There's something about the way a stone sounds as it slides across the ice that's soothing to Charles Scharnberger. It's one of the things that drew the Millersville resident to the sport of curling.

"There's something aesthetically pleasing about it," Scharnberger, 62, said.

"The way the rock looks as it slides down. Hearing it ... it's kind of like a hum. It's the experience of reading the ice and judgment."

As usual, the sport of curling has received a massive wave of interest since its return to the world stage in the Winter Olympics in Turin, Italy.

A relatively little-noticed sport in the United States in off-Olympic years, curling has a long history.

Though this year marks the game's fourth appearance in the winter games, it was invented 500 years ago in Scotland by farmers who wanted something to do during the winter months.

That's just a smidge of curling history courtesy of die-hard curling fans Lenius and Mary Gottliebsen, both 80, of West Lampeter Township, who introduced Scharnberger to curling 10 years ago.

"We call it a closet sport that's now coming out of the closet," Gottliebsen said.

The Gottliebsens, to say the least, are crazy about curling and haven't missed an Olympic curling match since the Turin games began.

Mr. Gottliebsen said he was thrilled when the U.S. men's team won the bronze medal for curling Friday morning by defeating Great Britain.

"That was really something to watch," Mr. Gottliebsen said.

During the last two weeks Mr. Gottliebsen has seen all the drama unfold.

"We haven't missed any of the (curling) matches."

The couple discovered their love of curling in 1979, when their son invited them to the Philadelphia Curling Club.

Mr. Gottliebsen said he was instantly interested in the sport.

"As soon as I walked in and saw the ice," he said, "I said, 'This would really be a neat thing to do.'" Mrs.

Gottliebsen, who stopped playing the sport four years ago, said she likes the chilvalrous part of the sport.

"It always begins with a handshake and ends with a handshake," she said.

Mr. Gottliebsen founded Keystone Curling Club in Lancaster several years ago.

But the club disbanded after two years due to a lack of members.

As millions of Americans tune into the Olympics, some are asking what the "rock throwing" sport is all about, how it is played and how score is kept.

The Gottliebsens and Scharnberger shared some insights into how curling is played and why it often becomes a lifelong passion for those who take it up.

Here's how the game works: Curlers compete in two teams of four, each curler getting two turns per game at sliding, or "throwing," a 42-pound granite stone at a bull's-eye-type target at the opposite end of the ice.

As each curler prepares to throw the stone, he or she places one foot in a "hack," a sort of starting block.

Then curler pushes the rock across the ice.

The object of the game is to get more stones into the center of the bull's eye, called the "house," than the opposing team.

Other members of the team, called "sweepers," brush the ice in front of the stone so it glides more easily.

In Olympic curling, the game is broken down into 10 rounds, or "ends."

In club curling, there are eight ends that usually last about 15 minutes each.

Scharnberger said one of the appeals of curling is that it's always exciting.

"It's never boring," he said.

"No two ends are ever the same. There are a variety of situations that can arise."

It's also a game of strategy that weighs heavily on the shoulders of the team "skip," whose job it is to decide where the throwers should slide their stones.

Mr. Gottliebsen, who stopped curling last year due to health problems, played several roles on the team, including that of a skip.

He said he liked sweeping better than being a skip.

"I preferred sweeping," Mr. Gottliebsen said.

"It was great exercise, very aerobic. By the time you get done, you really feel great."

Scharnberger agreed curling is tiring, but it's got wide appeal.

"It's a game you can play at any age," Scharnberger, who is a member of the Philadelphia Curling Club, said.

Mr. Gottliebsen said he has participated in a number of curling championships.

His wife led the Philadelphia club's women's curling team, called the Philadelphia Bells.

Mrs. Gottliebsen said she loves the sport because it's easy.

"It's not hard to learn, and it's nice to see yourself improve," she said.

Neither of the Gottliebsens have curled since retiring from the sport.

Mr. Gottliebsen said he misses it, however.

"Every time I shave I look in the mirror and think about it," he said.

He said he keeps a curling stone in his home office to remind him of his love for the sport.

"We use it as a paperweight," he laughed.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Time Change for the VFW Show!

To allow everyone an extra hour of beauty sleep, don't forget that starting next week (March 1st), we will begin the VFW show at 7 P.M. Themes for that night will be Seinfeld (as chosen by Nix Lix) and show tunes (as chosen by D&M + 2).

Last night it looked like Stu and Nadine were going to be the sole players for Room 2, but reinforcements arrived and catapulted them to the winning spot. Ze Posse took second and Greg the amazing one-man El Dorado team took third.

On the prize front there was a brief scuffle for a box of Dots, Sticky Fingers Darla tried to double-dip and Dave was upset that some of his toilet seat covers were missing.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Bube's Brewery

It was a dramatic finish to a night of keen competition and chlamydia-infested penguins when the two leading teams, the Denogginators and the Stonecutters, made some crucial crossings-out in the fourth round. That allowed the Tesla Death Rays and TDC to surge ahead and tie for first. Then Beth went down in flames and last week's birthday girl Karen led her team to victory. For the first time we have three teams choosing themes for next week, so the Stonecutters chose fish (of the aquatic variety), the Toxic Olives chose the Dukes of Hazzard (TV show, not the movie) and Cheney's Chapped Chode chose banned substances (they also taught me a new anatomical term, since I had no idea what a "chode" was). Depeche Commode did very well for a two-person team, as did the Chicken Pluckers and the Two Dude Brew Crew. And Joanne "I Love the 80s" Park does not want me to discuss She's My Cherry Pie, Put a Smile on Your Nutsack 10 Miles Wide.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

VFW Mystery Solved!

All that asbestos must have gone directly to my brain, since I forgot the answer to one of the pictures in the 60s music picture round. But my brain cleared this morning and I found out that the mystery band was the Hollies! Now we can all sleep better.

It was a night of see-sawing competition, but in the end the newly-renamed Tess Tickles (AKA Room Two) took the prize, followed by Chicks and Dicks and the slimmed down quartet version of We're Here for the Beer. The B52s tied for their traditional 4th place with the Possee. They chose "anatomy" and the Posse chose "80s music" for next week's themes.

We also welcomed some new teams (or at least new names): Naked Flamingos, Little Red Riding Hood, 3 Shots and a Snot and Don't Know Crap to the competition. Team Lame did well until the picture round, which didn't match their age demographic.

The Trashbag featured lots of fudge-covered gifts, and a mouse puppet which caused hours of amusement. No one chose the chocolate chip muffin or the strawberry cheese danish, so I had a great breakfast today.

Also, please note: Starting March 1st, the show at the VFW moves to 7 P.M., so next week will be our last 8 P.M. show. I'll be sending out more reminders when we get closer to the date.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Something was In The Air

It was a night of romance, hearts and flowers. Meanwhile, at Bube's, it was a night of walking toasters and cans of beets as we celebrated Valentine's Day Earth-Trivia-style. All the prizes featured red dye #5, like strawberry moon-pies and ketchup chips. Lisa won the world's biggest Valentine's Day card - of course it didn't have an envelope. Rick lusted after Laura's Bob Hope autobiography. TDC enjoyed their alien cling-ons. Holiday team names included "Hot Lovin'," "Lovers Forever," "Sex Swing," "Cupid Says Rick's Getting Laid," and "The Wise Men, and Yes, Ladies, Two of Them Are Single." The Stone Cutters came in 5th, followed by a tie between the Tesla Death Rays and last week's winners, "Penny Silan and the Claps." (The Rays won the tie-breaker). Topless Monkey Curling in 2010 settled for their third week in second place, and the Lovesick Toxic Olives had their first victory of 2006. Themes for next week are an appropriate pair: '80s music and sexually transmitted diseases.

Monday, February 13, 2006

The Beast Is Gone!

Blogging has been light here of late due to a crisis on the homefront at Hornswylde mansion. It involved the huge asbestos-laden monster in my basement, which is thankfully gone after much effort. Special thanks to Chris Ivey for filling in at the Lititz VFW last week. We're back to what passes for normal this week.

First up, an Extra Special Episode of the Bube's Brewery show, where we will be celebrating Valentine's Day. And what says romance more than this week's themes: Battlestar Galactica and the Koran? (And there will be lots of love, too). There's only one way to find out!

And, this just in: Wednesday night, it's geology and college football.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Riddle Me This

Inquiring minds want to know what the themes for Bube's this week will be. Unfortunately, the fourth place team took off before I could get it from them, so you are at my mercy. And I haven't written the questions yet, so it'll be a complete surprise once you arrive. Bwahahahahahahaha!