Wednesday, May 30, 2007

VFW: Chicks Are Gonna Fly!

Skip skipped out before this pic of Chicks and Dicks was taken. They were the evening's champs, which was an appropriate ending since they are going on their annual summer hiatus (Carmen, however, is willing to play on another team if someone wants to adopt her).

The other big story of the night was the highest placing ever for Boot, Scoot and Annie, as they took second! We're No Biscuits with Low-Fat Gravy almost took second, but settled for third. Shitz and Giggles, Room Two and D and M + 2 (welcome back Rob and Louise!) followed, which put Nix Lix in the coveted seventh place spot. They chose the movie Pulp Fiction as their theme.
The Seat Warmers returned with offers of bribes for answers. (Murphy, by the way, would like to invite everyone to a special fund-raising karaoke on Saturday, June 23rd at the VFW.)

Bad Question!

Tom of Team Discovery Channel pointed out an inaccuracy from last night's Bube's show. The question claimed that Smith Corona originally made guns. In reality, they started out making typewriters in the 1800s and only began making guns during World War II when the entire nation turned into one big munitions factory. .

Thanks, Tom, for keeping me on my toes. My fact checker has since been beheaded.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Bube's: These Are a Few of My Favorite Things

Marge of Out of the Vortex and Phil of the Tesla Death Rays display their prizes from the Trashbag of Deelite: Thing 1 and Thing 2! Phil was disturbed that Thing 2 was unable to grip himself.

It was a night of self love for the Rays, as they maintained a two-point lead throughout the night. Last week's champs, The Jelly Roll Mortons, were right behind and Team Discovery Channel only trailed them by two more points (or is that two less points?). The Vortex had to settle for fourth, followed by Melissa and Her Bitches. There was a tie for sixth, so I let those two teams choose themes for next week. Jonny's Lonely Bitches Plus Jensen chose Bube's history and A Dirty Shame chose the classic TV series The Kids in the Hall.
Janelle and Justin, AKA "A Dirty Shame," returned to Bube's after a long hiatus.
The Pomegrams were doing really well, placing third by the end of the third round, but they stumbled a bit in the final.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Chuckles: No More Clowning Around

It was a fun holiday night at Chuckles, with a lot of holidaying newcomers. To make it extra special, we were pounded by a fierce hail storm. The storm did nothing to stop the competition, however, as Skirtland and the Price Is Right slugged it out for first. The Price won out, sliding past the Skirts by one question. A little farther back were the Lethal Amoebas, who took third. TLC, a brand new team, took fourth on their first try. Laffy Taffy were next, followed by Fun Size Ubersmack. Dead Bear Bay in a Jar Is Getting Married copped the coveted seventh place slot and chose "VH1 Reality Shows" as their theme. We also welcomed back the Send in the Creepy Clowns team, who were upset to see that the restaurant had been de-clowned.
It was fantastic to see Jason and Kristi of Dead Bear Baby in a Jar, a team that has been MIA from Bube's for way too long. The happy couple are getting married in early July!
The Red Rubys were a team of folks from Ruby Tuesday's who were enjoying some rare time off.
TLC were trivia newcomers who vowed to come back again soon.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

Tilted Kilt: The Substitute Teacher

Fellow trivia host and friend J was called away from his regular Saturday night gig at the Tilted Kilt, since he had to fill in for music trivia host Kerry, who couldn't make it to Bube's to deejay the Pajama Party. So, like a series of dominoes, I filled in for J. Since it was a holiday weekend, the crowd was small, but we all had a great time, nonetheless. I left my notes at home, so I'll fill in the bloggage later. In the mean time, here are some pix from that night:
Jay, Julie and Michelle were the night's champions. (Sidebar: Michelle blames Curtis Earth for her marriage to Royce).

That Was the Week That Was

Quick apologies for being a bad blogger this week. It's been a little more hectic than usual, so I'm going to combine the week into one long post. (If you're here looking for themes, you can read through this or skip this post and look at the one below). Here's how the week went:

Saturday: went to a Leukemia and Lymphoma fundraiser Damion Wolfe concert held by Melissa. She's trying to raise funds to attend a hike in the Rockies. I'll have to get you her site, if you want to help her out.

Sunday: At Chuckles, Ubersmack had a great last round for a come-from-behind victory. The Lethal Amoebas were only one question behind, followed by the Price Is Right, Skirtland and the Talent Scouts. A little farther back were Out of the Vortex (welcome back Bill and Marge) and the Tidy Bowlers. The Bowlers were inspired by their prize from the Trashbag of Deelite (an Aunt Bee cookbook) and chose Andy Griffith as their theme.

Monday: I took time off from the day job and went car-shopping since Stan the Stanza was being put out to pasture. The new MrSnrubmobile is a Toyota Echo. Then it was off to the Barnstormers game (many pix below).

Tuesday: I normally write questions Monday night, so I was running behind. I took an extended lunch at home, churning out some questions. Then my home computer died! It's currently on life support in the shop here at work. Managed to write a show for Bube's, which was won by the Jelly Roll Mortons (this was their first win in a while). Out of the Vortex improved their Sunday night showing by taking second, followed by a tie between The Tesla Death Rays and Team Discovery Channel for third. In fifth were The Nutsacks, followed by the John Shober Gang and the seventh place Stone Cutters, who chose Michael jackson as their theme. You can see the Shobers' pix below. Also: does anyone know where Partial Disagreement disappeared to?

Wednesday: Matt joined his friends Josh and Amy to once again become the Drunken Stepfathers. They tied for second with Shitz and Giggles. Shitz sent Captain Jack first-timer Tom up and he had what had to be the quickest ever loss. We're Here for the Beer took seventh, which gave Don the opportunity to choose the International Radio code as their theme. The story of the night, however, was Clyde and Jerry's kickass last round, as the two-man team Room Two took first place.

Thursday: ran home from the day job and quickly made the house presentable for a Pampered Chef party. This annual event is to help out my friend and soon-to-be-trivia host Justin Shiffer. Then off to see Damion for the second time in one week at his last Symposium show.

Friday: fell asleep on the couch, getting ready to start all over again...

Friday, May 25, 2007

Themes, Themes, Who's Got Themes?

Lots of pix and blogging to come, but my home computer fried its brain (must have been trying to answer the trivia questions), so they won't appear until later this weekend. In the meantime, here are next week's themes:

Cafe Chuckles: the Andy Griffith Show.
Bube's: Michael Jackson
Lititz VFW: the International Radio Code

Monday, May 21, 2007

Barnstormers Pix!

Following are some pix taken from Monday night's Barnstormers/Bears game, which I attended with the winners of the Take Me Out to the Ballgame mini-tourneys (along with some friends who bought tix to help the Relay for Life). It was a wonderful night for baseball, even though the 'stormers tanked in a 9-3 loss.
Thanks to Frank for taking this early on pic. I was afraid that the Biscuits and the B52s were the only teams that were going to show, but Skirtland and the Nutsacks arrived shortly after this was taken. An APB is out on the Chubby Stubbies and Poor Charlie, since they were no-shows.

Ben's family had a great time, and even got to see Cylo up close and personal.

This was the first game for some of the VFW teams.

The newest Toxic Olive, Kumiko.

Cylo and I have a long-running feud, since he strangled me at a Relay for Life meeting that was held before the 'stormers first game.

Hey, Dee, down in front!

Marie took this pic of former Barnstormers employee Nathan and Josiah.

I think this pic of Bob and his wife was taken by Frank.

Craig says you are getting sleeeeepy, sleeepy!

Marie's distraught at the 'stormers' loss.

Kirk was just happy to be there.

Nate stayed til the bitter end, but enjoyed his first game.

Friday, May 18, 2007

And the Winners Are!

Congrats to all six teams who won the Take Me Out to the Ballgame Mini-Tourneys:

Cafe Chuckles: Poor Charlie and Skirtland
Bube's: Nutsacks and Chubby Stubbies
Lititz VFW: The B52s and We're No Biscuits

See you all Monday night at the game! (Or 5 p.M. at the Brickyard for informal pre-game festivities.)

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

VFW: Coming Soon to Video...

Wilbur Girls Gone Wild obliterated their previous record by getting more than one question right! They had to bolt before the announcing of the scores, so they never heard that they made sixth place. Right behind them were the seventh-place Room Two, who chose "spelling" as their theme (We're just going to do one theme for a while, and it goes to the "Lucky 7th" place team). We're Here for the Beer was fifth, Chicks and Dicks were fourth and the returning Foreplayers started their spring season off well, placing third. The biggest comeback of the night was The B52s, who got 9 out of 10 right in the last round. That was good enough for second, but they failed to catch Shitz and Giggles and Friends, the Hindenberg team of the VFW. They managed to avoid their traditional last round flame-out and took home the gold!
The B52s were also one of the winners of the Barnstormers tickets. John has been on my case to say something nice about his team, so . . . they have nice hair!
"We're No Biscuits" were the other Barnstormers winners. John is a volunteer usher at Clipper Stadium, so I'm sure the guys will enjoy having him wait on them.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Bube's: Bye Bye Boogie Jeff

Jeff of the Boognishers (third from left) is heading east, so he rounded up some of his buds for his last night at Bube's. They all got to see a fine night of competition, as we had ties for both first and third. Ben of the Jelly Roll Mortons took on Charles of the Full Monkey, with Ben victoriously claiming third. Then it was Meredith of the Exploding Ovaries vs. Bill of the Chubby Stubbies for first place, with Meredith the winner. The Chubbies also won the coveted Barnstormers tickets, along with the Nutsacks. And the 'sacks also claimed our newly created "Lucky Seven" spot, earning them the theme choice for next week: "calculus."

Monday, May 14, 2007

2 Man Cru

Congrats to nephew Alex (he's the one in the center), his rowing teammate Alex (he's the one on the left) and some beardy guy (he's the one that looks like a coach). Alex and Alex are the Virginia high-school state champions for 2-man sculling. Next week it's on to nationals!

Saturday, May 12, 2007


The Holy Hand Grenades have been in semi-retirement, since they are busy training their secret weapon.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

VFW: The Comeback Kids

In this file photo from December 2005, we see tonight's champions, Mel and Dennis hard at work. Tonight they were joined by Don "Mr Hacker" to become D & M + 1. They spectacularly leaped from fifth to first by getting 9 out of 10 right in the last round (a rare feat for any team), beating the second place Room Two. Also in the winner's circle for the first time in a while was We're Here for the Beer, who placed third. In fourth were Chicks and Dicks, who chose Dancing with the Stars as their theme. Fifth place Shitz and Giggles chose Willie's favorite computer, the Mac. (This here website you're looking at was created on a Mac, by the way.)

Our top 7 teams, so far, for the Take Me Out to the Ballgame mini-tourney are, in no particular order:
D and M
Chicks and Dicks
We're No Biscuits
The B52s
Shitz and Giggles and Friends
We're Here for the Beer
Room Two.

See you next week for the conclusion of the tourney!

Also, best wishes for healthy recoveries to Nick's (of Nix Lix) daughter and Steve's (of We're Here for the Beer) granddaughter. Our prayers go out to both ladies.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Bubes: Obtuse, Arcane, Yet Fun!

That was Smashing Squash's assessment of tonight's show. Part of the fun was the return, ever so briefly, of Helen and Dale of the Crabby Dicks. Geography and education have prevented the C.D.s from attending, and Dale wanted to play the show one more time before moving to Fort Lauderdale. Helen of Ship has vowed to return once her Tuesday classes are over.

Tonight was round two of our Take Me Out to the Ballgame Tourney. Our new top seven teams eligible for the drawing are (once again, in no particular order):

El Rey del Helado Frito
The Jon Shober Gang (new to top 7)
Team Discovery Channel (new to top 7)
The Nutsacks
The Jelly Roll Mortons
The Chubby Stubbies
The Tesla Death Rays

Two of the above seven teams (4 tickets per team) will be joining me at the Barnstormers game on May 21st, as long as they all show up next week.

Tonight's action saw a rousing come-from-behind victory for the Is It Against the Law for a Nutsack to Be Seen In Public team. Both the Nutsacks and the Chubby Stubbies surged ahead of the faltering Toxic Olives in the last round, but the 'sacks bested the Chubs by two points to take the crown. The Olives had to settle with a tie for third with the Tesla Death Rays, and then were defeated by Captain Jack. So they chose skateboarding as their theme. In fifth was team Discovery Channel, who combined two of their favorite topics into one theme choice: Star Trek Tribonds.
Welcome to The Beers! (Now there's an appropriate name for a Bube's Brewery team).