Wednesday, July 30, 2008

VFW: BINGO WAs Their Name, Oh

Here's half of BINGO, a fun new team of battling family members that played for the first time tonight. The hall was packed. I'd like to think it was because of trivia, but the $1,800 pot for signing the book may have something to do with it. Tonight's main story was Chicks and Dicks, who had been leading all night, fell to Room Two in the final round. Then, to make matters worse, Erma quickly fell to Dave in the the Captain Jack-off™, so Trivia @ 8 got the cash. The Zombies were only two points behind and there was a tie between the B52s and We're Here for the Dots. Mixed Company got next week's theme choice and they are going with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (I think Grant may have had a hand in that choice). Cheryl, meanwhile, had to settle for mystery meat nuggets from the Trashbag of Deelite.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Bube's: Quietly Making Progress

Quietly Making Noise has been slowly on the rise the last several weeks, climbing from seventh to fourth to second and now, first! The Slap was second, followed by Puff N Suds escaped seventh and rose to fourth, followed by Team Discovery Channel and Karft Acrimony and Cheese" Children of Divorce Cry for It! Kid Rock's favorite team, the Toxic Olives got to pick next week's theem choice (see below).
The Teeny Tiny Tony Danza Slap did missing birthday girl Dee proud by getting second place.
You can always count on the Olives to choose unique themes. Next week it's the wonderful world of seeds!
Puff 'n Suds, in a bizarre twist of fate, won a box of Puffs (Reese's, that is).
Lisa of Lisa Didn't Donkey Punch Me and She Is NOT Giving You the Thumbs Up Sign is trying to keep her cast from getting soaked by the exploding Guinness tap.
Victory Is Mine had such a good time that they said that they are also going to check out the Chuckles show.
The Magical Menage a Trois added a couple of new members.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Chuckles: Justin Time

Thanks to Justin for filling in for me while I was away in D.C. He told me that the Lap Cats were tonight's victors, while Out of the Vortex was in 7th. They're going with the Mark Harmon series N.C.I.S. as next week's theme.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

VFW: It's a Three-Way

Since Frank had to wait until Sunday for his VFW update, I thought I better do a quicker post this week. It was an exceptionally high-scoring night with our first ever three-way tie for first between Chicks and Dicks, Trivia @ Eight (plus or minus Buttery Steve) and Prius. Chris and Greg's finish was truly phenomenal, as they managed 9 out of 10. We had a special two-person extra questions tie-breaker, with Trivia at 8 victorious. The super-sized Room two was fourth. BBC was fifth and I forget who came in sixth (D&M?) The B52s, with a very respectable 74 (I think) ended up in seventh and chose the Civil War as next week's theme.
Trivia at Eight gained two new members (for a bit) known as Buttery Steve.
Bert recommends the moldy cheese beans in Beanboozled. These were a big hit at all three venues this week. Beware if anyone offers you a jellybean!
Dee was happy to report that John's surgery went well.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Bube's: TDC's First Successful Jack-Off™!

As the Bottle Drains made a return appearance at Bube's and promptly asked for the answers to next week's questions. That might help them, since they came in eighth tonight. Last week's theme-pickers, Puff N Suds, finished in seventh once more and are keeping it in Toontown, since they are going with "Family Guy." The dynamic duo of Faith Plus One took sixth, followed by (or is it preceded by?) We Don't Have the Thought Processes to Come Up witha Catchy Name. There was a tie for third and a tense Jack-off™ between Seth of TDC and Ben of the Slap, with Team Discovery Channel winning its first tie-breaker in five years! Leopold Butters Scotch took the silver and Christian Bale Punched Me in the Nutsacks took first. I had taken a picture of Steve and A.K. of the Sacks, but I think it broke the lens of my crappy cellphone.
Christy of Leopold Butters Scotch celebrates her first victory as a member of the Wise Men with Tariq and Brent.
The big story of the night were the two teams who almost beat the Nutsacks in the last round, getting seven out of ten right. Unfortunately, the earlier rounds did them in. They were Magical Menage a Trois ...
...along with Steve and Becky, who were known as Faith Plus One this week, in honor of Cartman's chartbusting Christian rock group.
Here we see (just barely) Seth of Team Discovery Channel in an (overly) dramatic recreation of his victory over Captain Jack.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Chuckles: Glowing Inside

Sunday night trivia at Chuckles gives you a nice glow-in-the-mouth feeling, as evidenced by LJ and the Castaways' Barb. Glowing the most was Skirtland, who captured first. Ubersmack was second and the Intoxicated Intellectuals were once again third. Farther back were the seventh-place Lapcats, who chose "professional wrestling" as next week's theme.
Tim and Eric Awesome Show Good Job fans "Where's My Chippy?" got the outfield table. Two of them were memebers of No Homers and the Electric Yellow Brain Bananas teams from my old Simpsons Zoetropolis show.
New Parents Jen and Eric rejoined the Talent Scouts and helped them capture sixth (I think).
Is Linuscratchitt doomed to fourth? They had played at Bube's last week and also got the tin medal.
What You Talking About Willis was proud of their Lorenzo Lamas DVD and even more proud that they got the Blue's Clues question right.

Root, Root Root for Earth Trivia!

Last night was Earth Trivia Night at the Barnstormers as I treated eight teams from Bube's and the Lititz VFW to celebrate my fifth anniversary at those venues. We all had a blast, even if the Barnies did not win. I passed my camera around and here are some of the results (I decided to go with only one of the 78 pix of Carol and Amy).
Brent enjoyed a $5.25 Miller Lite.
Paul and Sheila enjoyed the game, despite the heat.
It was Gavin's first baseball game and his first fireworks.

I think Mike and Kirk were repsonsible for all the pix of...
...Amy and Carol.
Christy was full of sushi and passed on the funnel cake.

Tariq wanted to know when the air conditioning would kick in.
A.K. and Josiah were about to put out an APB for Eric.

Gavn is putting the screws on Shannon's literary agent.
Jane brought her family along to represent the Earth Girls.
Cylo sitting on his (her? its?) butt, as usual.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Cat's from the Cradle

For you cat people out there, here's a touching video of a reunion story about a lion that was raised by humans then sent into the wild. Just turn off the sappy Whiutney Houston music and enjoy. Thansk to Bonnie for sending me the link.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

VFW: Just Some Good Old Boys (and Girls)

Once again I Left my notes at home, so this is on memory. The Drunken Stepfathers merged with Room Two to take the grand prize. We then had the shortest Jack-off™ in history, with only three teeth pushed down. Carmen now holds the record, so Trivia at 8 got second and Chicks and Dicks third. In seventh was Alice in Wonderland, who chose card games as their theme. The other highlight of the night was The Foreplayers who played Russian jelly bean roulette.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bube's: My Crabs Have Returned

It's always good to see the Crabby Dicks, who made a rare return appearance to Bube's. Traci, as always, asked for some extra tickets. There was no stopping the Nutsacks, who continuned their reign of terror. But they barely squeaked by the Ice Fly. A little farther back were the Toxic Olives, who managed to make it despite their leader's absence. Quietly Making Noise is quietly making its way up the leader board, too
A new team, Ice Fly, did extremely well, only one point behind the Nutsacks.
The Nutsacks are looking forward to watching the classic Timecop 2.
The Toxic Olives celebrated Craig and Kumiko's new home-ownership.
Quietly Making Noise's playlist got many favorable reviews. And they only missed the money by one question.
The Tony Danza Slap Loves Lance Mountain. Nuff said.
Puff n Suds had a most excellent night, winning the theme choice for next week (South Park), a half dozen chocolate-covered donuts AND bacon-flavored Spam.

Tom is a big fan of his Trashbag of Deelite prize: 7up marinade, now with extra high-fructose corn syrup!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Chuckles: VH1 for the Books

In this post-show shot, Paul is oblivious that Tim is hitting on a repulsed Trish, while Deric spends some quality time with his date (Pam, that is, not Duane). They just took home the gold, while Skirtland and the Intoxicated Intellectuals were right behind. A new team, Second Chance, almost made third place, followed by the Team With No Name and Out of the Vortex. The Tidy Bowlers, well rested from their vacation, took seventh and chose "Gilligan's Island" as their theme. Rabid Fox Syndrome, meanwhile, did a spectacular crash and burn and will be checking in to Celebreality Rehab.
Apparently Barrett has been weighing the Intoxicated Intellectuals down, since they had their best showing in a while without him.
The Celebration-bound Flo-Ridas spent their last night in Pennsylvania playing trivia and are looking forward to doing the same at Curtis' shows in Orlando.
The Black Knights, with a little help from Texas, are still waiting for the fifth round to finally make their move.