Friday, May 29, 2009

Upcoming Themes

Still doing barebones blogging. Here are the upcoming themes:

Chuckles: '80s song lyrics
Bube's: all things British
VFW: the Strawbs

Also, congrats to Twin Roses, the 'Sacks and  Chick and Dick for their first-place victories this week.

I'm starting to freak out since I haven't gotten nearly as much done on my stay-cation as I had planned. So, for the time being, here are a bunch of pix with some limited captions from the last couple of weeks. Enjoy!

Pix, Pix and More Pix!

Captain Crunch and the Cereal Killers made a return appearance.

My Corn changed their name for the last night of May Madness

Ryan brought his brother along as a good luck charm when he was on the other side of the bar and they came in second!
The Nutsacks had a most excellent night, winning total points for the month and first place for the night and also getting a Pellman's chocolate chip cheesecake (okay, it was a second, but still tasty, right?)

Linuscratchitt consoled themselves with some snicker doodles and placed fourth.

You Can't Fix Stupid was the grand prize winner of tickets for six to a Barnstormers game. I think we're going next Saturday.

Drunk in Oregon were just passing through.
The Earth Girls and a Dude celebrate with some Gummi worms.

The Toxic Olives won third place and the coveted Lasagna Dinner.

The Tony Danza Slap are overwrought with distress that Aaron is off to Africa.

Adolph Oliver Nipple have chosen All Things British as next week's theme at Bube's.

Karen and Bob have been on a roll the past two weeks at the VFW, claiming the bronze both times!
Quietly Making Noise missed out on the May Madness finale.

Chris' friend jay was in visiting from Las Vegas tow eeks ago. The duo managed to grab the silver.

Two weeks ago the Tony Danza Slap went maxi-sized.

Skirtland celebrated Claire's seventeenth birthday.

Carol and Karen are looking for lasagna.

Terry and Nibsy welcomed Mark and Sheila from the VFW and took home the gold!

Bill and Marge are going to miss Sasha.

Andrew and Aimee did not have a good night :-(

The Twin Roses have been on a rampage of winning here of late.
Ok, I'm not even going to take the time to edit Deric's appendage.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Good News for Movie Fans

I thought he had died in the '60s, but it looks like Spencer Tracy is alive and well and starring in the new Pixar movie "Up."

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Chuckles: The Return of No Frills Blogging

I'm keeping it nice and simple this week, so I'm going will a text-only blog. Chuckles was packed with teams last night, since many folks have Monday off. House of Twin Roses was the big winner of the night, six points ahead of the Zombies. The Zoms missed a three way tie for third by a point, so it was Bob of Pixie Stix versus She Who Shall Not Be Named from Three Roads in a Captain Jack-off, with Bob victorious. Out of the Vortex was fifth, one point ahead of Skirtland. That gave theme choice to Slick Freddy and the Usual Suspects, and they are going with '80s song lyrics. Special guest for the evening was birthday gal Claire and Grandma Miami Blade.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Next week's themes

It might be a while until I post this week's pix, so for those who like to know these things, here are next week's themes:

Chuckles: House
Bube's: Last Lines of Movies
VFW: Arlington National Cemetery and Bruce Springsteen (don't worry, he's not buried there; it's two separate themes).

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

VFW: And Now, In Reverse Order...

Darla is giving a little pre-toast to the newly renamed It's Only a Game team. They placed seventh and have chose Sean Connery as next week's theme. D&M was one point ahead in sixth, fone point ahead of Nix Lix. Half of the 4-Hers placed fourth, only one question behind the B52s. Where Are the Red Beet Eggs fought with Chicks and Dicks al night, but the Chicks stayed ahead by one point and took the gold.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Bube's: Farewell to the Class of '09

Congrats to Alex and Brian of the Oil Lobbyists, who played as undergrads for the last time tonight. Unfortunately, they didn't win. That spot went to the Nutsacks, who successfully completed a threepeat. The Cogitators woke up in the last round and took second, followed by Quietly Making Noise, and the Tony Danza Slap. Six Horse and My Corn Is Tall tied for fifth which gave theme choice to the seventh-placing Toxic Olives. They are going with hauntings in Pennsylvania. Oooooooweeeeeooooooo....

I don't know why Beth looks so sad; the Cogitators recovered nicely in the last round to take the silver.

The Nutsacks named themselves after a Sesame Street tune which I didn't recognize since I grew up without PBS. (We could only get NBC and CBS on our TV set; and we had to go through eleven foot snowdrifts to get to school...)

You Can't Fix Stupid left before their number was pulled for the double-stuffed Oreos.

Sarah is no longer pining for the fjords since returning from Norway. She does pine for their beer, however.

My Corn Is Tall. Not to be confused with My Corn Is Killing Me.

Beer Cheese had to leave before the last round, but said they'd be back.

Alex plays with his Wooly Willy.

The Tone Rangers enjoyed the view from above.

New at Bube's: Beer Eggs!

Vote for Kris!

If you watch American Idol, please consider voting for Kris Allen tonight. He's managed to get to the top three with no pimping from the judges or producers and has consistently produced great music with original arrangements of classic tunes.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Pontiac Sold to Amish Entrepreneurs

(Thanks to Greg from Team Prius for alerting me to this news item)

The Associated Press

Detroit, Michigan | Published: 04.29.2009

DETROIT, Mich. — In a surprising move, General Motor announced today that it is selling its Pontiac brand and assets to an Amish investment group headquartered in Leola, Pennsylvania. The automaker announced its plans for Pontiac today during a press conference outlining dramatic updates to its restructuring efforts.

The move took industry experts by surprise since the Amish Plain Sect community is not customarily associated with motor vehicles.

A spokesman for Bird-In-Hand Enterprises, LLC, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said that the Amish corporation intends to reposition Pontiac as a taxi manufacturer.

"We fear, with the likely demise of Chrysler, and with General Motors' abandoning of the minivan market, that we will not have access in the future to suitable 'Amish taxis' to serve our community. The acquisition of Pontiac will ensure long-term access to taxi services for us," he said.

The source provided little detail of the repositioning of the brand, other than noting that final engineering still needs to be worked out. The source did add, however, that Amish engineers involved previously with Amish Roll-and-Glow Electric Fireplaces developed a working prototype of the proposed Pontiac Amish Taxi and have recently authorized the release of an image of the Pontiac taxi.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Chuckles: Ina-God-A-David-D.A., Baby!

It was a hippy-trippy night at Chuckles as we celebrated Mother's Day with some psychedelic trivia. Ubersmack leapt fromthird to first, seven points ahead of the hard charging Three Roads. Of Pixie Stix took the bronze, only two points ahead of KCCC and B. Skirtland followed three points behind, slightly ahead of the Far-out Trippy Psychedelic Twin Roses. There was a tie for seventh between Out of the Vortex and the MoFoes, so we'll have two themes next week: state capitals and Blazing Saddles (so start eating some beans).

Three Roads attriubute their success to the two recruits in the center.

The MoFoes were asleep for the first three rounds but woke up in time for the fourth.

LukeMom and Luke missed the theme choice by one question.

Nick was distraught that his team had abandoned him. (He's also trying out for an Oscar with this emotionally-acted photo).

Karen and Carol wondered what happened to their traditional Mother's Day lasagna.

Twin Roses kept adding adjectives to to their name throughout the night.