I was surprised at how many people played at Chuckles tonight (20 teams), since I figured some folks would be at Long's Park for the fireworks and cannon show. We had our own birthday celebration for America, with some folks like Trish and Suzie of Twin Roses dressed in their patriotic attire. 90 percent of the questions were All-American trivia, too. The history buffs of Ubersmack had a perfect score going into the last round to take a 10-point victory over Woofin' All Over the World. Three Roads was close behind, followed by The Cherry Bombs and a tie between Skirtland and the M*A*S*Htastic Gawky Domino. Theme choice goes to Roddick's Wimbledon'ts and they are going with the classic
The Sound of Music (which, strangely enough, I have never seen). Props also, to the Miami Blades, who tied Ubersmack in the final round (unfortunately the early rounds did them in). Also, welcome back to Jenna, who has returned as a server after a hiatus at Carlos and Charlie's.