Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Bube's Brewery

The Latin-flavored Me Llamo Deado Bearo Babyo ino ao Jaro, Bendejos! team dominated the third and fourth rounds to claim victory. A super-sized Tesla Death Star Team took second and The Fool Monkey survived the picture round to claim third. TDC, featuring the long-lost Missy Clark, took fourth and chose "robots" and "socks" as the themes for next week (Don't blame me, blame Seth). Other teams suffered a Black Tuesday. We welcomed some new teams from Billy Warmth's hiatal Villa Nova East show. The Beta Blockers wished that the baseball questions would go away. The Stephen Hawking team rolled away once they found out they couldn't get a ringside seat. Dale and Tracy soon followed. Dave chugged a glass of instant grits with ham. And I was anally-probed by a dinosaur, courtesy of the Toxic Olives. Strange, but true!

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