Random musings on trivial goings-on at Mad Chef Craft Brewing (Mondays at 6:30 P.M.) and Bube's Brewery (Tuesdays at 7 P.M.) plus assorted blatherings on life, the universe and occasional baked bean recipes.
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Where's the Ice Cream?

Sunday, June 26, 2005
Grouser's Big Adventure
Grouser, the third member of our road-trip trio, had a wee bit too much Scotch early on and managed to sleep through most of the week. Here he is seen curled up and making himself at home in Curtis' bookshelf...
Real Radio
Friday afternoon Hot Tub Jimmy and I became the Pennsylvania Posse and made our debut on the Shannon Burke radio show, where Curtis has a weekly segment. It went much better than when I was on in January, when I broke the microphone and was barred from the station.
Orlando bear-about-about-town Mr. Pumpkinpants enjoys wearing a cold compress on his eyes while listening to Neil Young on his giant iPod.
Friday, June 24, 2005

How I Spent My Summer Vacation
Hot Tub Jimmy decided to forego being an Amazing Race contestant, and opted for a week-long road trip to Savannah, Orlando, Tampa, Daytona Beach and Cape Canaveral. Since his cat, the Famous Grouser (seen here napping), wasn't very social, he invited me along on his trip. The following chronicles some of the highlights.
Friday, June 17, 2005
Be Afraid!
Next week (June 21st and 22nd), I'll be on vacation, so Chris Weaver (left) will do the Bube's show and Chris Ivey (right) will do the VFW show.
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Lititz VFW
We'll Always Have Paris
The world-travelling Posse had a great time, despite losing by a mere point.
Samantha and Derwood
Proving my theory that all curly-haired women are witches, Nick cast a spell on me as Tom looked on, forcing me to pull her number.
Can We Skip the Fourth?
Scoot and Annie were doing extremely well, until the dreaded final round. If only they had eaten something!
Winners by One Point
We're Here for the Beer did one of their patented come-from-behind fourth rounds, and squeaked by the Posse by one point. Here we see Kirk desperately trying to avoid Internet exposure.
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Bube's Brewery
Remember, next week it's my turn for vacation, so you'll have a substitute host. Chris Ivey is unable to fill in, so I've recruited former Simpsons trivia co-host Chris Weaver (see pic above). Please give him/her all the respect that you would give a substitute teacher. On second thought...
P.S. Next week's themes are both baseball oriented: the Pirates and the Orioles.
Chick Flix R Us
I think this is Amanda and Adrian, caught in the process of morphing into trivia whizzes.
We Never Win
..but they had their finest showing ever, tying for third and besting the Bears in the Captain Jack-off.
Why You Boo Us?
Team Discovery Channel lost their Screaming Sonic Death Monkey, but won the game. Coincidence?
Dead Bear Babies' Mortal Enemy
Margie and her boy toy were back in fine form, and back in their traditional two-top by the toidy. I mistakenly announced them as the first-place winners, but they graciously pointed out my need for stronger bifocals, and dropped to second. Thanks, guys.
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Relay for Life
Our Relay for Life team once again competed in the Midnight Madness contest. We did a skit on the dangers of not wearing sunscreen, complete with a song ("My Sunblock's Gone," sung to the tune of "My Boyfriend's Back) and six beautiful chorus girls. If the crowd response counted for anything, we would've won hands down.. Here I am seen in shock at the judges' verdict.
The Relay trivia show at 7:30 A.M. was a much more pleasant experience. 12 teams competed, along with many of the walkers. The Rowdy Rankins one-man team led the entire time until the picture round did him in. That's when Pat's Army and The Fulton Bank-Penn Square team came from behind to take second and first.
Many thanks for Darryl Bloom's support and to the American Cancer Society for supplying prizes. We're going to make this an annual event, so hopefully we'll see you next year. And thanks to all who contributed to the Relay this year!
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Lititz VFW
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Bube's Brewery
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
We're Cuckoo for Karen!
This week I'm introducing a new occasional feature as I turn the camera over to a volunteer. First up: Karen from the Tesla Death Rays. Here we see the show from her unique perspective (and thanks, Karen, for taking all these pix!)
Another Captain Jackoff
For the first time in a while it came down to Captain Jack for a tie-breaker. Here, Hot Tub Jimmy dsplays his winning form, as Adam plots his revenge.
X-Files Moment
Karen captured the precise moment that Dave's soul left his body. Or maybe it's a bad case of gas...
Comeback Kids
Mike and Adam patiently waited until the final round to strike, tying the Olives for first.