Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Bube's Brewery

It looked like it would be a repeat of last week, with the Toxic Olives (featuring birthday kids Dixon and Laura) neck and neck with Deader Than Richard Nixon Bear Baby in a Watergate Ice Container in the top two spots. But they were unseated by Torn Asunder, who celebrated their first win. The Tesla Death Rays remained stalled at fourth, yet again getting to choose next week's themes (Batman movies and 70s rock). Liquor? I Hardly Know Her! missed fourth by a mere 2 points. The Outsiders gained many new members, but Jill had to go home to feed her dog. Josiah missed his last chance to play trivia as a single man, so his team paid him honor by calling themselves Here Comes the Bride's Nutsack. Stephen Hawking Has a Bad Case of Crabby Dicks and a bad run of luck. Meanwhile, Jen showed us her unique talent to help Dead Bear MIke with his new inflatable.

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