14 teams parted the Red Sea and drove to Bube's during a torrential downpour. Those teams witnessed what is the highest score in several years, which was attained by the beast with three heads known as the Fool Monkey. 91 points! Two perfect rounds! Unfortunately, Charles bolted before he could get his victory portrait taken. So John and Bill are holding up their "Dad" pen in lieu of Charles. Or is that in charles of lieu? (Sidebar: Charles makes no claim to fathering either of them.)
They are also holding up their prize for winning the special World Cup-themed second round: it's a box of $1.59 Little Debbies. None of those cheap $1.09 boxes I normally give out. A special occasion calls for breaking the budget!
In honor of the monsoon we had endured, the second-place Joe and company called themselves "Raindrops Keep Falling on My Nutsack." Other names included Nimbochromis Fuscotaneatus, Team Colorado and Hide Your Wife, Here Comes Brent Myers.
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