At first, the Bowmans (above) were ecstatic that the Great Blizzard of '07 and the Pats/Colts game were causing cancellations. But the teams kept coming in, and their prize-winning prospects dimmed. We had our usual two themes, along with several that Chris Ivey had solicited from teams last week (that's where Allen Ginsburg came from). KCC began the night with a perfect score, but then fell to a respectable sixth. The Tidy Bowlers placed fifth and chose "Little House on the Prairie" as their theme (this caused howls of delight for some and growls of dismay for others). The fourth-place Lethal Amoebas put their two heads together and came up with the movie "Kingpin." Way in the back of the room was the third-place Harpo team. The last two times Harpo had played were substitute host nights, so they were beginning to think that I was avoiding them. In second was the always formidable Ubersmack. And in first place the entire evening were the Talent Scouts, who were so satisfied with their victory that they decided to go on a two-week vacation.
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