The Talent Scouts, returning from a fruitless trip to Atlantic City, reversed their luck and took first place, beating the We Don't Need No Stinking Deric Ubersmack team by four points. There was a tie for third, which forced a Captain Jack-off between Ben of Skirtland and Jeff of Poor Charlie. Neither had faced the gator before, so it took some 'splainin' before they got the hang of it. Ben got bit twice, so Poor Charlie once again was in the winners' circle. Skirtland chose Broadway as their consolation theme. The Lethal Amoebas absorbed one of the Price Is Righters to transform themselves into the Symbiotic Microbes and took fifth. Jay was dee-lited to pick car rally racing as his theme.
The best prize of the night was a Japanese ink-painting kit, won by 8 Paws. And the new vocabulary word of the evening was aspirate, which Lee quickly made his own.
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