It was a great night of trivia with five teams all within one question winning it all. When the dust settled, Marge and Bill held on to their lead, by one measly point:
- Out of the Vortex - 64 pts.
- The Lethal Amoebas - 63 pts.
- Skirtland - 61 pts.
- We've Got Your Answer Right Here - 60 pts.
- Sue's Crew - 59 pts.
The Tard Kart Heroes won some finger paints so they can decorate the 25 foot snake that is welded to their dashboard (soory about that). Yvan Eht Nioj used their Trashbag prize, a box of Froot Loops to flavor their beer, while the aforementioned Bowlers had 24 hours to scarf down their box of donuts. Also, welcome aboard to Bailey's Crew, who manahed to place eighth despite missing the entire first round.
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