Monday, October 22, 2007

Themes for This Week

Thanks the always-entertaining Chris Ivey for filling in while I was on vacation!

Here are some themes and scores:

Bubes Brew:

Theme: TV Show Friends
1st: Jelly Roll Mortons-71 points
2nd: Team Discovery Channel-68 points
3rd: Flaming Moe-Rons-66 points
7th: R2D2 Reacharound


Theme: Flowers
1st: Shitz, Giggles, and Friends-79 points
2nd: Mixed Complany-75 points
3rd: Prius-74 points
7th: Alice in Wonderland


Theme: U.S. Currency
1st-Ubersmack 67 points
2nd-Price is Right 63 Points
3rd-Tie Between Lethal Amoebas and KKCN both with 58 points
We played a hand of blackjack to break the tie. Both teams had a "20" so we
played a second hand and KKCN won taking third.
7th: The Three Amigos

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