It was another free-for-all in the last round at Chuckles. The Princess and Bugman team had a very impressive 77 points, but that only got them seventh! (They chose "Looney Tunes" as their theme for next week, by the way). And only one question separated the top 7 teams. When the dust settled, the Price Is Light took third and The Talent Scouts tied with Ubersmack for first. The Scouts once again sent Scott up to take on Deric in the Captain Jack Off, and he once again lost. (He has since been unceremoniously benched.) New teams included SWWC, who had to leave to get back to their husbands, and We Love Cheese, named after their bag of Cheese Puffs. Teams with players born after 1980 didn't fare too well tonight, and it's a Small Wonder, since 80s sitcoms were the theme. (Get it? Small Wonder? Okay, I'll stop typing now.)
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