The teams returned well-rested after a two-week break, but a brutal last round cracked a few Easter Eggs and there were shells everywhere. Lisa and Tim of the Paws team (above) enjoyed the game, but not their Trashbag prize, a can of octopus with garlic sauce (courtesy of Goya). I did a little switcheroo after the game and gave them some Sugar Daddys instead. The octopus went to Ubersmack (see below), who were hungry from their fourth win in a row. The Gordie Howe loving Linuscratchitt were unable to cash in on their Herve Villechaize knowledge and finished eight points back. The Price is Right were third, the Gnomies fourth, while McAnd Beckinland and Ron Paul for President tied for fifth. That meant that cineophiles Lorraine and Ralph Kramden placed seventh and they're going with Spencer Tracy/Katherine Hepburn movies as their theme. The other nine teams basically bombed the last round, once again proving that I shouldn't get a week off.
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