It was a Battle Royale on superheroes night at the VFW, with the Avengers (Chicks and Dicks) holding off the Justice League (Room Two) to win the night. The Fantastic Four (We're Here for the Beer) had another excellent night, taking third for the second week in a row. The Yancy Street Gang (Pretzel Eating Beer Drinking Yahoos) welcomed back a recovering Dave to take fourth. The Powerpuff Girls (Mixed Company - apologies to Jack and Kirk, since I can't think of another group of three superheroes) were fifth, followed by the Dynamic Duo of Dennis (Batman) and Mel (Robyn). That meant Sergeant Rock and His Howling Commandos (Commander's Choice) gets to pick a theme and they're going with "Television Shows: 1955-1965" - how's that for being specific? Not too far behind were the X-Men (Boys Have Godsticks, Girls Have Shame Caves), the Teen Titans (Team BBC) and the Sinister Six (Six Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest). And the Metal Men (Zombies) want to point out that they didn't do their usual meltdown.
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