The radio comedy troupe I'm involved with, the Not Ready for Drive Time Players, is presenting a special fundraiser show for the Humane League of Lancaster County this Friday night at Bube's (that's tonight!).
With the influx of puppies due to the shutdown of the puppy mill in Ephrata, the League is in need of extra funding. All proceeds from the show will go to the League.
But, what is the show, you might ask? (Go ahead, I'll wait.)
It's a two-man comedy reading starring Sam Ridout (the man of a thousand voices; kind of like Lon Chaney, but with sound, and not dead) and me (the man of one voice)! The first half is called Space Ghost/Nixon and the second half is the Johnny Narcissist show.
I will warn you that the humor is definitely "R-rated" (R as in rrrrrrrrandy!) and is not intended for the easily-offended.
It's this Friday (Feb. 6th) at 9 P.M. in the Alois portion of Bube's Brewery (probably upstairs) and is only a measly five bucks (practically half the price of a bad movie nowadays). And it's all going to a great cause.
Hope to see you there!
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