Problems with the taps system did not deter the teams from a thoreauly rousing night of trivia. And neither did one of our stranger themes: transcendentalists. The Firkens (pictured above) were astonished to see that trivia is still going strong at Bubes, approaching its ten year anniversary. They placed sixth by almost catching up with the fifth place Tesla Death Rays. They chose the 1950s camp classic movie "The Bad Seed" as their theme. The two man team known as the FJ Chubby Stubbies did really well, placing fourth and choosing the Phillies for next week. The Olives were in second all night, but were usurped by the hard-charging Fool Monkey Wrench in the Electoral Works team. The Monkeys almost beat TDC, but they won by a mere whisper. Also: thanks to Rebecca for doing a bangup job on her first night as trivia server.
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