We have a musically diverse group at Chuckles, as evidenced by the themes. We've already had doo-wop and Bon Jovi. So this week, it was gangsta rap and next week it's Hanson (they sang the immortal "mmmmmCRAP!" - or something like that). Marge and the Notorious B.I.L. got in touch with their inner rappers and led the way until a meltdown in the last round. Joe's Team and Laffy Taffy, also, were not big fans of the final round. The Price Is Right took fifth, but since they will not be here next week, they gave their pick to the Tidy Bowlers. The Bowlers were taken aback by finally getting a choice and scrambled for a theme, so they chose the aforementioned musical trio. Skirtland placed fourth and chose Lincoln and his cabinet (Quick everyone, you have one week to read Doris Kearn Goodwin's
Team of Rivals. C'mon, it's only 944 pages!) Ubersmack, led by Ole Boy Deric, came in third and the Lethal Amoebas featuring Lefty Lorraine came in second. And the big story of the night was the fourth round comeback of the Talent Scouts, who managed to make it to the top spot two weeks in a row.
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