Random musings on trivial goings-on at Mad Chef Craft Brewing (Mondays at 6:30 P.M.) and Bube's Brewery (Tuesdays at 7 P.M.) plus assorted blatherings on life, the universe and occasional baked bean recipes.
Friday, April 27, 2007
VFW: Still Blogging Lightly
I'm still swamped, so here's the digest version:
First place: We're No Biscuits
Second place: Room Two
Third place: Shitz and Giggles and Friends
Fourth place (tie): Chicks and Dicks (Theme choice: country music)
Fourth place: The Hackers (Theme choice: the New York Yankees) Welcome back to the Hackers, returning from winter in Myrtle Beach.
Reminder: the Take Me Out to the Ballgame Tourney begins next week; after three weeks, the top 7 teams with the highest cumulative scores will be thrown into a hat and get a chance to win four tickets to a Barnstormers game. See older posts for details.
First place: We're No Biscuits
Second place: Room Two
Third place: Shitz and Giggles and Friends
Fourth place (tie): Chicks and Dicks (Theme choice: country music)
Fourth place: The Hackers (Theme choice: the New York Yankees) Welcome back to the Hackers, returning from winter in Myrtle Beach.
Reminder: the Take Me Out to the Ballgame Tourney begins next week; after three weeks, the top 7 teams with the highest cumulative scores will be thrown into a hat and get a chance to win four tickets to a Barnstormers game. See older posts for details.
Bube's: Blogging Lightly
I'm swamped right now, so here's the digest version:
First place: Slaughterhouse 5: The Nutsacks Crusade, or a Duty Dance with Death
Second place: Team Discovery Channel (five points behind)
Third place: The Stone Cutters (one point behind)
Fourth place: The Fool Monkey Ate Yeltsin's Liver (Theme choice: assassinations and attempted assassinations)
Fifth place: The Jelly Roll Mortons (Theme choice: condiments)
Reminder: the Take Me Out to the Ballgame Tourney begins next week; after three weeks, the top 7 teams with the highest cumulative scores will be thrown into a hat and get a chance to win four tickets to a Barnstormers game. See older posts for details.
First place: Slaughterhouse 5: The Nutsacks Crusade, or a Duty Dance with Death
Second place: Team Discovery Channel (five points behind)
Third place: The Stone Cutters (one point behind)
Fourth place: The Fool Monkey Ate Yeltsin's Liver (Theme choice: assassinations and attempted assassinations)
Fifth place: The Jelly Roll Mortons (Theme choice: condiments)
Reminder: the Take Me Out to the Ballgame Tourney begins next week; after three weeks, the top 7 teams with the highest cumulative scores will be thrown into a hat and get a chance to win four tickets to a Barnstormers game. See older posts for details.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Chuckles: No Clowning Around

A beautiful day outside was capped off with a beautiful night of trivia at Chuckles. Since it was Stephen King night, I should have included a question on Pennywise from "It" (pictured at right). But Chuckles has (thankfully) gone through a de-clowning phase, so I nixed that idea.
Doug and Nancy of The Army of Northern Virginia fame put in their first Chuckles appearance, but played under the name "Old and In the Way." The Grotty Little Wankers returned and came alive in the last round. Also having a great last round were the Talent Scouts, who aced 8 out of 10 to take the gold. Twelve points behind were the Lethal Amoebas, followed closely by the Price Is Right. Roughly one question behind were fourth place Skatoolah Malakas and fifth place Skirtland. They chose the cartoon "Transformers" and "fifties music" as their themes (you guess which team picked which theme), so we're spanning many decades.
Next week starts our "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" mini-tourney at Chuckles (see the previous post below for details). It will truly be a mini-tournament, since it will only be two weeks (April 29th and May 6th). Also, permanent substitute host Chris Ivey will be filling in for me next week, so please be kind to him (he bruises easily).
Earth Trivia Night at the Barnstormers!

As a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life, I just purchased a bunch of tickets for the Lancaster Barnstormers/Newark Bears game on Monday night, May 21st. I'll be giving away sets of 4 tickets as the grand prizes in the Take Me Out to the Ballgame Mini-Tournament. The top 7 teams at each venue with the highest cumulative points will be eligible for a drawing for the tickets. (There will be three separate drawings for each of the three shows, Chuckles, Bubes and the Lititz VFW). Please come to the shows for the dates and details.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
VFW: Little Questions, Big Headaches

In keeping with America's obsession with Sanjaya Malakar, fifth-place Chicks and Dicks chose "American Idol" as their theme for next week. Shitz and Giggles remained stuck in fourth and chose "golf." The B52s managed to win two trashbag prizes, along with third place. In second were the Robless KC and the Sunshines (Rob was last seen stuck in a little town called Jericho). And in the lead most of the evening was Room Two, led by Matt and misled by Jerry.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Bube's: I Never Sausage Competition

The Oracles, a team new to Bube's, are contemplating what to do with their individually wrapped Polish sausages. We gave them plenty to think about tonight, with a particularly brutal final round. The Soulmates (AKA The Wise Men minus Brent) and the Stonecutters were doing well until that round. When the dust settled, Nobody's Fool Monkey emerged victorious, beating Team Discovery Channel by 2 points. In third was Daisuke Nutsackzaka (whose name I continually butchered), who beat the Jelly Roll Mortons by 2 points. They chose Simpsons trivia, with the proviso that it be limited to Moe's Tavern. Chubby But Not Stubby almost bolted out the door before they realized that they were in fifth. They chose 20th century firearms. And the Jon Shober Gang chose a purple duck purse with a head wound as their prize.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Chuckles: Who the #@!& Are Mike and Amy?

Amy, by the way, absorbed many years of trivia from waitressing at Tobias Frogg's during Curtis' reign there.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
VFW: Unbearable Drama

Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Bube's: There's No Such Thing As a Tie

In third was the Nappy Headed Nutsacks, second went to the Toxisplosive Olivaries and First went to the Nappy Headed Fool Monkey. If I mention any more Imus-inspired names I might have to shut down the site for two weeks, so I'll just stop now.
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Bube's: Triviapalooza!

Special thanks to Curt for a great show. It's always a blast to see him in action. If you're in Orlando, be sure to check out his shows. He has shows practically every day of the week, so check out earthtrivia.com for his schedule.
Thanks, too, to Sam Allen for providing us the opportunity to do this annual gig. The chefs outdid themselves this year, as we all enjoyed an Italian buffet. Following are many pix from the festivities:

Wednesday, April 04, 2007
VFW: I'm Dreaming of a White April

On the competition front, Shitz and Giggle and Friends finally broke their fourth round curse and took first. In second, placing their highest score in a looooooooooooooong time, was Alice in Wonderland! Behind them were Chicks and Dicks. The B52s took fourth for the second week in a row and chose "anatomy" as their theme. In fifth (again) were Whatever (AKA Room Two); they chose "airports" as their theme
Trivia this Saturday: still open!

Here's a repeat of the details:
You can win big bucks this Saturday just by playing trivia. And you get to see the original host, Curtis Earth, in action. It's a chance for the trivia veterans (pre-2002) to re-connect with Curt and re-experience old times; and it's a chance for our "more recent" players to get to know his special brand of warmth and humor.
Curtis Earth, the founding father of trivia in Lancaster County, is returning to his roots and doing a special trivia show Easter Saturday night, April 7th at Bube's Brewery in Mount Joy.
The grand prize is (drumroll, please...) $250!!! (you read that right, it's two hundred and fifty dollars, not $25!)
Other prizes other than cash will also be awarded, in addition to the $250.00 Grand prize
Show begins at 8 P.M. upstairs in the Alois ballroom.
Price: $10 per person - price includes a light Italian buffet of ziti and pasta, salad and dessert (which will be served at 8:30).
Maximum team size: 8 players.
We need a head count ahead of time, so please e-mail me with the number of players on your team and we'll reserve you a table!
Please RSVP to me (mike.horn@fandm.edu) as soon as possible.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Bube's: You Don't Know Poop

Speaking of weepy, it's with a heavy heart that I report that it was Melissa's last night as our server. (That's Melissa and Matt in the pic above). She is quitting Bube's to take a break and concentrate on studying and her other job. Best of luck to you and see you in court!
Monday, April 02, 2007
Chuckles: My Kingdom for an Answer!

Tonight marked the debut of our new hostess, Sara's twin sister Anna. She got to see a nailbiter night, as last week's champs Easy Like Sunday Morning (they change their name weekly), tumbled in the last round. The Lethal ("Don't Hate Us Because We're Beautiful") Amoebas, took first. In second were The Price Is Marked Down and in third, once they finished with their morning wood, was Skirtland. The fourth-place Talent Scouts chose Spaceballs as their theme, followed by the Tidy Bowlers, who once again took fifth. They chose Amish culture. Laffy Taffy and the Sad Clowns almost made it, as did my favorite team name for the night, the Grotty Lil Wenkers.
Program note: don't forget that Chuckles will be closed on Easter Sunday, so our next show will be April 15th.
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