Monday, April 02, 2007

Chuckles: My Kingdom for an Answer!

King Edmond Ironside, son of Ethelred the Unready stopped by the show last night and was shocked to see that his mug was on the picture sheet. Alas, it was only a cruel April Fool's trick, since the real picture sheet had been withheld.

Tonight marked the debut of our new hostess, Sara's twin sister Anna. She got to see a nailbiter night, as last week's champs Easy Like Sunday Morning (they change their name weekly), tumbled in the last round. The Lethal ("Don't Hate Us Because We're Beautiful") Amoebas, took first. In second were The Price Is Marked Down and in third, once they finished with their morning wood, was Skirtland. The fourth-place Talent Scouts chose Spaceballs as their theme, followed by the Tidy Bowlers, who once again took fifth. They chose Amish culture. Laffy Taffy and the Sad Clowns almost made it, as did my favorite team name for the night, the Grotty Lil Wenkers.

Program note: don't forget that Chuckles will be closed on Easter Sunday, so our next show will be April 15th.

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