Monday, December 22, 2008

A Thank You from Hannah's Dad

This is a note from the father of the little girl in Lititz:


Where do I start? First some numbers. I think Hannah is going to pull the post office out of the red this year. We are still counting but so far Thur. night's total is 5400. I'm estimating we have counted a little above half. For those sending cards: Wed-750 cards Thur-2000 cards-which USPS brought in 4 boxes Fri-didn't even begin to count--11 large boxes!!! Firetruck convoy count was 89 firetrucks & 40 or so police-rescue-smaller vehicles!!!!

Thur. night was an incredible night. I am having a hard time putting into words how thankful & grateful my family & I are for such a wonderful community. Our EMS family is incredible for what they pulled together in a matter of 3 days. Hannah really enjoyed the evening. We unloaded her out of the ambulance near the entrance so she could watch the vehicles. She loved all the lights and kept telling me "that is a short one" or "that is a really big one". After we got inside, her eyes lit up over all the toys & bags of cards on stage. She spent almost 2 hours opening cards on her gurney. After we went home she opened some more & then slept really good.

Words can't begin to express the magnitude of love & caring we felt from our neighbors-friends-family-strangers last night. Sometimes, with the economy the way it is, and all the hustle & bustle of the holiday season you can feel a little down and have pity on yourself for the situation I'm in. Then, we get an outpouring of love from so many, most of which I don't even know & it restores your faith in mankind. I can't describe how it feels to read all these guestbook entries from all over the country and the world & know how much encouragement and faith it brings me. Thanks to everyone who is thinking & praying for my family during this time & remember God is in control of everything.


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