It was a TV-themed night as we featured questions on Happy Days and He-Man (not to be confused with She-Man). Paige and the Bowmans, along with the Tidy Bowlers were back for more. Laffy Taffy was exiled to the hinterlands. Art Attack wanted bonus points for the most answers wrong. Barb of the Price Is Right wanted answers for favors. The Lethal Amoebas had a slightly fishy smell to them. Speaking of smell, the Heady Stinkies managed to place fifth, but took off before announcing their theme. So the sixth-place Price Is Right team chose Harry Potter as their theme. The Assassins, led by Marianne's studying of He-man lore, took fourth and chose M*A*S*H as their theme. The Rainmakers were blindsided by the up and coming Skirtland team, taking third and second, respectively. And proving that picking a theme sometimes gives you the extra edge, it was Eternia's Ubersmack team that claimed victory. Watch out, Skeletor!
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