A nice crowd at the VFW enjoyed some Beetle Bailey and Will Ferrell trivia. And we also enjoyed the prospect of the construction nearing its completion, so we soon can give up navigating the alleys of deepest, darkest Lititz. Leroy boned up on Camp Swampy, but Major Nix Lix nd Son failed to place. Bert finally saw her name up in lights, but the Foreplayers also were shut out. Not a Chance had not a chance. We're Here for the Beer managed to get fifth and chose the Wild, Wild West tv show as their theme. Room 2, led by Matt and Jason, chose a more current show, the Ultimate Fighting Championship (AKA UFC). The B52s had a stellar night and placed third. Chicks and Dicks returned from their tour of Europe and took second. And it was Shitz and Giggles and Friends claiming victory with an impressive 8 out of 10 right final round.
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