Baseball and trivia, like hot dogs and apple pie go together. The picture round was popular for once and featured 10 baseball movie classics. KCC was moved to another booth, so their trivia mojo wasn't working properly. The Unit 2 Meltdown Crew was too sugared up from Pixy Stix to get their act together. Laffy Taffy, The Price Is Right and the Barry Gibb Talk Show with Special Guest Star Bugman all missed the winners' circle by one question. The Rainmakers took fifth and chose '50s doo-wop as their theme. Then there was a tie for third, with Bill vs. Phil. Billy "I Never Win at the Alilgator Tie-Breaker" Warmth lived up to his name, so Out of the Vortex chose Wyoming as their theme. Phil and the Lethal Amoebas took third. The Rainmakers once again came soooo close to winning, but had to settle for second when Ubersmack beat them by one point. If you stayed after the show, you got to see some inter-mural slap action between Adam and Bill.
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