Ken, Andreas, Jake, Tucker, Noah, Matt and Brian, AKA "Banana Fish" of the Class of 2011 cleaned up in the last round to claim the first ever Trivia Bowl for F&M's MBT house. As part of their orientation for first-year students, MBT bussed all 128 of them to the Plain and Fancy restaurant in Bird-In-Hand (heh, heh, he said "Bird In Hand") for their first taste of "Amish" cooking and brain-scratching trivia. There were 18 teams duking it out, with names like "The Power of No," "Dirty Little Secrets," "The Flying Diplomats," "Big Bird Is Lame and So Is Her Teddy Bear," and "Kim." Then, by a weird coincidence, we had three teams called "Awesome," so there was some creative re-naming going on. Trashbag prizes included Copper from the Fox and the Hound and an out-of-date box of Quisp. Banana Fish is still waiting for the grand prize, which, I am told, is "in the mail."
Thanks to Akhil Bery, Joanna DiPallo, Dean Godin, and Professor Heller for having me. Maybe it'll become an annual event.
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