The DaMitt team celebrate the fact that they didn't come in last at the end of the night. We welcomed the Scouters, who managed to multi-task as they balanced some books and played trivia at the same time. The Hackers were back, as were D and M, minus their +2, but with 2 new (what?). Annie 's team was doing well until the last round, when we ended up with a two-way for third between last weeks champs, the Foreplayers and The Original We're Here for the Beer team. Bobbie got bit twice, so Dave was the winner. In second was a super-sized Room Two. But the night belonged to the team with the unfortunate acronym, King Kirk and His Kourt.
So what's the theme for August 29th, dude?
I don't see the theme for August 29th. Third Rock(Trish)
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