Wednesday, August 01, 2007

VFW: Back to the Future

It was back to the 50s car night, with Room Two thundering down the highway in the last round with a total score of 90! Left in their dust were the B52s and Shitz and Giggles and Friends, so it was a Captain Jack-off between Sheila and Dee. It was a real nail-biter, with two rounds going down to the last tooth. Dee was the victor.

We're No Biscuits and Brooks and Dunn tied for sixth. B & D said that they can not make it next week (they drove up from Intercourse), so they passed (although I'll have a Harley question in their honor). Dave and Birthday Boy Francis chose state capitals as their theme.

We also learned that Jerry has White Chocolate on 8mm.

Oh, and Tom was 37 minutes late.

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