Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Not so Crabby

crabs, originally uploaded by mistersnrub.

Helen and Traci had a fun time, despite the fact that ticket number 967 was never drawn.


Anonymous said...

One of these days, Mike! You can't ignore the Crabby Dicks forever! So we've never place, So we've only had our tickets called 3 times... You can't snub the Crabby Dicks! Just wait... our day of 4th place will come! Carpe Diem, Crabby Dicks!!

Anonymous said...

The Crabby Dicks Are Reunited! Dale, the Crabbiest Dick of them all has returned to PA for good! Carpe Diem, Crabby Dicks!!

Anonymous said...

Well, the Crabby Dicks thought that we would be better than ever......we were wrong. Even with the return of our Crabbiest Dick, we still managed to place dead last. You know we should get some kind token or prize for being consistantly last, even though we try our hardest. Mike you know that we are never going to give up, and one of these days the Crabby Dicks will RULE!!!!

Love always,
Mamma Crabby Dick