Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Bube's Brewery

It was a trivia rumble as the rival gangs tested their knowledge of West Side Story and nuts (of the tree kind). It was also the closest finish ever, as seven teams were all within one 5-point question for the lead! In the end, TDC bested The Fool Monkey in a Captain Jack-off for the win, The Bears came from out of nowhere to take third, and the Olives settled once again for fourth. They chose as next week's themes Canada and Wendy's fast food.

Final results:

  • 77 points - Team Discovery Channel

  • 77 points - The Fool Monkey

  • 76 points - Dead Bear Baby In A Jar

  • 75 points - The Toxic Olives

  • 74 points - The Nutsacks

  • 73 points - The Tesla Death Rays

  • 72 points - Ubersmack

We also celebrated Bartendin' Bruce's birthday (even though he had to work) and dyed-in-blue-wool-Mets-fan Deric was appalled to pick a "Mets Suck" t-shirt from the Trashbag (coincidence? I think not). Laura, meanwhile, will hoard her Siegfried and Roy t-shirt until the value goes up on eBay.

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