Thursday, February 16, 2006

VFW Mystery Solved!

All that asbestos must have gone directly to my brain, since I forgot the answer to one of the pictures in the 60s music picture round. But my brain cleared this morning and I found out that the mystery band was the Hollies! Now we can all sleep better.

It was a night of see-sawing competition, but in the end the newly-renamed Tess Tickles (AKA Room Two) took the prize, followed by Chicks and Dicks and the slimmed down quartet version of We're Here for the Beer. The B52s tied for their traditional 4th place with the Possee. They chose "anatomy" and the Posse chose "80s music" for next week's themes.

We also welcomed some new teams (or at least new names): Naked Flamingos, Little Red Riding Hood, 3 Shots and a Snot and Don't Know Crap to the competition. Team Lame did well until the picture round, which didn't match their age demographic.

The Trashbag featured lots of fudge-covered gifts, and a mouse puppet which caused hours of amusement. No one chose the chocolate chip muffin or the strawberry cheese danish, so I had a great breakfast today.

Also, please note: Starting March 1st, the show at the VFW moves to 7 P.M., so next week will be our last 8 P.M. show. I'll be sending out more reminders when we get closer to the date.

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