Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Bubes: Accept No Substitute

Due to sick substitute Chris Ivey's (sick as in physically ill, not his normal "sickness") absence, I ended up subbing for myself, yet using Chris's questions. So, it was an unusual night. Blurox 10/10 ran screaming from the room after the first round. Frist from "It's All About Steve" was pleased with the shortened format (they also came in fourth and chose "Stephen Foster songs" as their theme, while the fifth place Dead Bears chose "white-tailed deer"). The Tesla Death Rays invaded both the front and back rooms and managed to take third; Monkey 3:16 did one of their patented fourth round rallies and took second, while the Flaming Moerons squeaked by with a two-point victory. And that's about all I'm going to write, since I'm supposed to be on vacation.

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