Wednesday, May 17, 2006

VFW: the Beaver Test

It was a trip to Mayfield as "Leave it to Beaver" was one of the themes. (Sidebar: did you know that it was never revealed what Ward's occupation was? All we know is that he worked in an office). It looked like it was going to be another three-way tie, but the red-hot D & M + 2 team took the lead. Room 2 followed and the Posse finally returned to the winner's circle, taking third. It must have been Janie's good luck toilet bowl cleaner/yo-yo charm. We're Here for the Beer chose James Bond movies as their theme, while Chicks and Dicks chose Harry Potter (which I am officially retiring as a theme after this week).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not a VFW player, but I think I do know what Ward Cleaver's profession was. He was a civil engineer. There is an episode in which Beaver finds a surveyor's transit that his dad had used in the Army, and is disappointed to learn that it's not some sort of secret weapon.

Charles of The Fool Monkey (Bube's)